Vanilla Crepe


Prep: 10 mins

Cook: 20 mins

Total: 30 mins

Servings: 12

Yield: 12 crepes

  1. In a large bowl, mix together the milk, egg yolks and vanilla. Stir in the flour, sugar, salt and melted butter until well blended.

  2. Heat a crepe pan over medium heat until hot. Coat with vegetable oil or cooking spray. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter into the pan and tip to spread the batter to the edges. When bubbles form on the top and the edges are dry, flip over and cook until lightly browned on the other side and edges are golden. Repeat with remaining batter.

  3. Fill crepes with your favorite fruit, cream, caramel or even ice cream or cheese to>
Nutrition Facts

Per Serving: 142 calories; protein 3.3g; carbohydrates 15.9g; fat 6.7g; cholesterol 66.4mg; sodium 146mg.

Cooking Websites

  • Juliasalbum

  • This website is neatly organized. The ingredients, instructions, and nutritions are packed in one box and the simple layout makes it easy to read and follow.

  • 10000recipe

  • 10000recipe is a popular Korean cooking website. The website allows all the users to post their own recipes, providing multiple ways of cooking one food.

  • Food

  • uses attractive colors that both help the website decorate and organize the contents. However, unlike most other recipe websites, lacks in photos that arouse people's appetite.
    Non-Cooking Websites

  • IMBD

  • IMBD is simple and yet is divided into multiple categories that not only shows and recommends the users movies but also shares most recent news about famous actors and actresses. The menu tab is also organized so that the users can easily guide themselves to find what is most fit for them.


  • NAVER is one of the leading portal website in Korea. Over time, I've seen how the portal changed with the users. One of the recent service it provides really considers its users in mind that one can customize which sections, such as news, sports, or game, to appear on their page. Such techinque, I believe, is a succesful demonstrations of interaction between the user and the webpage.

  • Alamo

  • Alamo's homepage is not as visually appealing but is effective in its purpose: customers fining available cars in their location. This website prioritizes practicality over aesthetic to best serve their customers. This form of layout is important when designing your own because one would never appreciate getting lost amid of all beautiful styles and layouts.